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Gods Gift to me

Gods Gift to me
Terrific Two

Beautiful Blessings

Beautiful Blessings
Snow in Houston

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Okay ladies I would like to share some serious information with you all that needs to be HEARD and not IGNORED! According to the Center for Disease Control black men are the leading cause of death among young blacks. Okay not surprised..well you may be the next victim..so listen up. Black women are being diagnosed with HIV/AIDS at a rate of over 20 times that of a white women. The cause being that many of our "brothers" are getting out of jail and spreading this epidemic. The CDC reports that AIDS is the leading cause of death in african american women aged 25-34, the third leading cause for ages 35-44, and the fourth leading cause in ages 45-44. Oh and by the way AIDS is only the eleventh leading cause of death in white women age 25-34..so open your eyes ladies!. If this didnt't grab your attention or you still feel as though you have nothing to worry about..think again!
Remember that heated argument you had with your significant other when he got a little to close for comfort and made you feel threaten...lets talk about it. Homicide at the hands of an african american male for us is the second leading cause in african american women aged 15-24 and the fifth leading cause in ages 25-34. WOW...so not only do we have to worry and be cautious about the men we choose, we must do the same for our young daughters. Among women aged 15-24, homicide accounts for 5% of premature deaths in white females BUT 20% of all premature deaths by black females. Do I have your attention now...okay so whats the solution..simply put..YOU.

Yes I know we all get caught up in that word called L.O.V.E, but we have to be smart, after all, we are very strong and intelligent creatures. We must learn to think first about the consequences of being in love with the wrong person. Don't be afraid to ask your partner to accompany you to the clinic for HIV testing and make sure you wait for the results. Help your partner to understand that it is to protect you both and if he objects...RUN, after all there are more fish in the sea(lol). Secondly, as the commercial states, "WRAPPED IT UP", there are a ton of new condoms avaliable to give you the same pleasures of unprotected sex. We must be smart because we are single mothers who have children that depend on us being there..so ask yourself, is having unprotected sex worth dying for.

Now, lets speak on domestic violence. Never stay in a situation where you feel threaten, love is an emotion, not a physical pain. I don't care what the circumstances or situation is, no man should put his hands on a woman, we are not punching bags or a stress reliever. At the first sign of a temper or a violent fit...pack your bags and LEAVE. You say it's not that easy, I beg to differ. If you have to wait until he's asleep and call the police, do it, they will wait for you to get your things and leave. Wait until he goes to work, call a relative to help and GO! You say, but I have no where to go, again, I beg to differ, even if you have to take your children and go to a shelter..LIFE is always a better option than DEATH, your children depend on you. I have listed sites that can help you in any situation you may be experiencing, so take advantage of them because it's always better to be SAFE THAN SORRY.

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